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The Positivity Project is a new initiative from entertainment agency CEP, using live event entertainment to help spread positivity and deliver important messaging about Covid-19.

The initiative uses performers dressed in a variety of colourful or comedic outfits, holding signs encouraging social distancing or hygiene measures. Among the performers are roller reminders, comical dancing cleaners, singing security guards, social distance smiley heads and more.

The initiative is designed for live events and retail/corporate spaces.

Daisy Stapley-Bunten, COO of Marketing & Operations at CEP, says: “We created the Positivity Project to help encourage social distancing while spreading positivity.

“We asked ourselves: what can we do that is sensitive, but will bring people some happiness? A lot of people are struggling with anxiety during Covid. ‘Coronophobia’ is a word being used at the moment to describe people finding it difficult to get back.

“We wanted to make it a really fun experience for people and put a smile on their face, and make it not feel as bleak.”

CEP is an entertainment agency that offers events and brand experiences to corporate clients. It also offers brand identity workshops to help drive brand knowledge.

Stapley-Bunten adds: “A lot of people believe a brand is just having a typeface and a logo, but its obviously more than that. So we tease it out of clients and try to find out how we can build these brands.”