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A free, dedicated support line for the events industry has been launched today by Stress Matters.

The support line aims to give everyone access to trained Mental Health First Aiders (MHFA) and offer practical support, information and signposting to other services.

The Stress Matters Support Line will be open from 8am to 8pm and can be accessed by texting 07481 362111 and a trained MHFA will respond and call back.

Founder of Stress Matters,  Laura Capell-Abra, said: “Everyone in our industry is being impacted and this is causing a high level of anxiety. We are seeing a large increase in the numbers of people applying to be a Buddy on our Buddies Matter programme (our free peer-to-peer matching service) but we were also conscious that there are lots of people who will need more qualified mental health support.

“We have worked around the clock to set up the Stress Matters Support Line so that everyone now has free and easy access to trained MHFAs. At the moment the Support Line is manned by MHFA volunteers but we are appealing to the industry for funding to enable us to extend this crucial service to a 24/7 helpline accessible through all communication methods.”

The service will be available on WhatsApp from 30 March.

Buddies Matter is another initiative aiming to combat difficulties due to the current climate.

The service provides a free peer-to-peer matching service that creates Buddies across the industry that can offer support and an ear to listen. It is not a professional help service. To become a buddy, go to and fill out the short form. Stress Matters aim to match Buddies within 24 hours.