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Events industry mental health charity, EventWell has recruited 13 more hosts to support a 400% growth in event bookings.

The enlarged team has been divided into two groups; one for the south and London, and the other for the north.

Each team member is currently receiving safeguarding, neurodiversity, first aid, and mental health training, enabling them to supervise Eventwell Quiet Rooms at events and offer appropriate support as needed.

EventWell founder and chief executive Helen Moon said, “We are excited to welcome our newest hosts to the team. The increasing interest in our resilience hubs and quiet rooms highlights a greater understanding of the need for good accessibility and inclusion solutions at conferences and events. We need to grow with the industry so we can continue providing support to event professionals and attendees.”

Sanna Aab, north host (pictured), explained why she chose to join EventWell: “Working in the creative industries, I’ve seen so many people struggling with terrible mental health, extreme stress and burnout. It’s great to be part of an organisation breaking the stigmas and cultivating healthier lifestyles within our industry. Having worked on my first few events with EventWell, it’s been fantastic to witness the difference these spaces make for attendees.”

Moon concluded: “When reflecting on our growth since we first founded EventWell in 2017, I’m immensely proud of the passionate team we have built. Each of our new host members has shown a great commitment to mental health and neurodiversity in the industry and I am excited to see the positive impact they will have.”