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In a new initiative for 2023, The Showman’s Show, Production Futures and the Power of Events have partnered to create a pop-up job clinic Your Calling at this year’s event.

Held at The Showman’s Show on 19 October, it will host a series of sessions and networking opportunities aimed at helping young people and freelancers who are actively looking for work in events.

Both candidates and employers will be screened ahead of the event to ensure that they’re matched based on skill sets, interests and experience.

Showman’s Show event director Johnny Lance said, “There’s a huge skills shortage in our industry and organisations like Production Futures and Power of Events are doing some great work around raising awareness of the numerous job opportunities that exist in our industry. The show itself is a great representation of live events and brings together thousands of professionals who work within it. Harnessing our audience to promote its appeal to a new generation just seems to make a lot of sense and we’re really excited to see how it evolves.”

Production Futures managing director Hannah Eakins said, “Production Futures has really highlighted that there are so many talented and impressive young people out there who want to work in events. Often, they’re just not aware of all the opportunities that exist. Many are led to believe that freelancing is the only route for them whilst we want them to have all the options.”

Power of Events engagement manager Sophie Beasor said, “Collectively we must work together to promote the value of events to the next generation. From the outset we’ve built relationships with universities and we’ve been strengthening our ties with Production Futures over the last year. Mapping the interests of students and matching them with potential employment opportunities is just one of the initiatives that we’re working on together.”