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The Event Medical Association, a new body representing medical providers working within the events industry, has launched today at The Showman’s Show.

The organisation, whose creation has been supported by the National Outdoor Event Association (NOEA), aims to promote “improved and more coherent” working practices within the event medicine sector, as well as address incoming governance that will regulate the medical treatment of attendees at events.

“This is a vision that has been a long time in the planning,” said Dr Chris Howes (pictured left centre), one of the Event Medical Association’s co-founders. “There is a huge demand for what we’re trying to do.”

The Showman’s Show event director Johnny Lance (right) said, “This is exactly the sort of thing we want to be doing within the industry. This is an area that needs representation and, through our close partnership with NOEA, we’ve been able to help set them up and provide a launch platform for something that is entirely positive for the industry.”