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Venue booking platform Hire Space has exceeded the number of events booked at international venues in the whole of 2018 in Q1 alone.

The company’s account management team doubled last year, with a focus on expanding its bespoke service to Europe and beyond, and has now made bookings in 41 international cities in 2019 including Riga, Barcelona, Timisoara, Sao Paulo, New York, Geneva, Tokyo and Geneva.

Lilla Madacsi, head of account management, commented: “We’re very pleased with the growth in international bookings, especially as we have seen it grow from nothing in 2017 to exceeding all of our expectations in 2019. The increase has developed organically as a result of demand from our clients who are always looking to create new and exciting event experiences. We work closely with each client to understand their needs, so they feel reassured that we’ll find them the perfect venue outside the UK too.

“The rise in international business has thrown up challenges for the team, which has really fuelled their professional developments as well. We’re excited for the year ahead and the opportunities that international bookings will bring.”

As part of the Hire Space Professional offering, the account management team work closely alongside clients, to provide an end-to-end venue-booking service, including bespoke proposals, the best prices, contract and payment services and more.