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Event safety specialist Halo Solutions has launched an incident management platform that combines video calling, video recording, image sharing, ticket scanning and radio.

In what it claims is a world first, the Halo Talk platform has been designed to bring an end to security communication problems at venues and events, which in the past have included overcrowded radio channels, unregulated WhatsApp groups and untrustworthy spreadsheets.

Halo said the system’s ‘Push-over-Cellular’ radio provision has global reach: “Fundamentally changing the location of control rooms, how they function and their business continuity/resilience options”.

The new system was installed for the NHS, and its subcontractors, in January at two hospitals and three vaccine sites in the South West. It is now being rolled out worldwide.

Halo Solutions’ CEO and co-founder Lloyd Major said, “The Halo System is the first to roll out this type of multi-channel integration. Distilling the many lines of communication into the control room for one, easy to use, multi-award winning, life-saving platform.

“No longer do venues and organisers have to pay for separate radio systems, suffer un-trustworthy spreadsheets, unregulated WhatsApp groups, or expensive ticket scanning systems. Our suite of modules and our groundbreaking Halo hub mean everything is integrated, which makes for a much smoother experience.”

Major will be taking part in Access All Areas’ next free webinar on Wednesday, 3 February, at 11am ­– Counter Terrorism: Next generation Control Rooms – for Next Generation Threats. Register here.