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Event-goers are spending nearly three times more on their event trips than pre-Covid-19, according to a study by Event Genius and Festicket.

Festicket has seen a 172% increase in average order value for international bookings since 2019 to €550 (£464). The company also said there has been a large rise in the average order value for domestic bookings.

The study found that event-goers from the UK are spending the most, with 31% of all international orders for 2022 coming from fans in the UK. USA follows with 28% of orders, and then France (5%), Germany (5%) and Ireland (4%).

It said bookings to Spanish events account for 68% of all international bookings for 2022, with Portugal (7%), USA (7%), Croatia (6%) and Hungary (3%) behind.

The research also found that half of the international orders for 2022 events have been placed via a payment plan compared to 12% for events in 2019. Festicket said it had seen a near four-fold increase in the use of payment plans for domestic events too, increasing from 7% for events in 2019 to 24% for events in 2022.

Festicket and Event Genius chief operating officer Reshad Hossenally said, “It’s incredibly promising to see the willingness of fans to spend highly on future trips.”