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Intellitix has launched a cashless software system, IntelliPad, which uses tablet technology.

The RFID company has launched a new line of hardware providing a new way to ease deployments at selected event sites.

IntelliPad uses Intellitix’s proprietary closed-loop system, operating seamlessly both online and offline, ensuring 100 per cent uptime throughout the event without any interruptions. The fundamental change however, is that unlike the traditional point-of-sale (POS) device that requires a hardwired network connection and cabled electrical power, Intellitix has enhanced its cashless payment solution to utilise portable, lightweight tablets that function without the use of cables for network connectivity or power.

The move is designed to allow cost savings for organisers through reduced infrastructure requirements on-site. Organisers also benefit from faster build-up time, as a hundred IntelliPad POS units can be deployed in an hour and are immediately operational upon plug-and-play programming of the IntelliPay software and installation at vendor locations.

“IntelliPad is a great addition to our cashless payment solution, making it feasible for organisers of smaller events to embrace and benefit from a cashless environment without having to run network and electrical cables,” Serge Grimaux, head pilot of Intellitix, said.

“The user experience remains best in class, maintaining the exact same level of security and functionality that our IntelliPay software delivers since its inception. This is the most practical innovation to date in cashless payment technology, developed after years of experience. With a diverse range of hardware options, this opens a myriad of opportunities for all types of events and will help propel the cashless revolution at a much higher speed.”

As deployment of the IntelliPad has already proven to increase efficiency and save costs for event organisers, Intellitix will continue to utilise this new hardware at selected cashless events around the world.