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The team behind this year’s annual live events industry charitable gathering Kartfest said it proved to be the most successful yet, with more than £50,000 raised for Backup Tech.

Backup Tech provides financial support and wellbeing aid to live event industry technical professionals, crew and production personnel. It also helps to promote awareness around mental health and wellbeing through access to training.

This year’s Kartfest was expanded to incorporate a focus on wellness and mental health support. The event, which took place at Sandown Park on 6 July, adopted a traditional British village fete theme and offered a range of activities, beyond the usual karting, including a ‘wellbeing hub’ hosted by Music Support, Backup Tech, Music Industry Therapsist and Lions Barber Collective.

More than 30 live events industry companies attended Kartfest, including Unusual Rigging, Creative Technology, Showforce, ESGlobal, Tait, Brit Row, Audia Technica and Event Cycle.

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Backup Tech’s vice chair Lee Dennison, who is also Creative Technology head of marketing and client services, said, “An amazing £50,000 was raised, which is phenomenal. The previous year was £35,000 so a huge difference. Thank you to everyone for supporting and coming down.”