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Over 1,700 people have signed up for a day of action which is planned for tomorrow, 11 August, as part of the #WeMakeEvents ‘Red Alert’ campaign.

The campaign aims to highlight the critical condition of the live events industry to government and the press, and follows on from the #LightItInRed campaign which took place in July.

A number of journalists and politicians have been invited to board a boat at Westminster Pier, which will sail through four ‘arenas’ at iconic landmarks of the capital.

“The events sector urgently needs more support to survive the Covid-19 crisis.”

The four ‘arenas’ will be along London’s Southbank at the London Eye, Royal Festival Hall, National Theatre and Tate Modern. The event will take place from 8:50pm to 9:25pm, with attendees asked to be on standby at their location from 8:30pm. Over 1,700 people have signed up on the Facebook event for the campaign.

Anyone who wishes to attend the event can register on EventBrite to visit one of these four locations. Attendees are encouraged to wear red clothing, and download an app that will light their phone in red. They are also advised to keep at least one metre apart and wear a face mask.

In addition to the event in London, eventprofs across the UK are encouraged to stage their own ‘Red Alert’ events by lighting buildings and venues in red, and supporting the campaign across social media.

The day of action has been organised by the Professional Lighting and Sound Association (PLASA). A statement on the PLASA website reads: “The events sector urgently needs more support to survive the Covid-19 crisis.

“Live events around the world have been devastated, from major festivals and landmark theatres, to grassroots venues and business events. Without major immediate support from government, the entire supply chain is at risk of collapse.

“Join the growing collective of organisations, companies and freelancers to get our industry’s voice heard through the medium of social media, video and outdoor events.”