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Talent representation and marketing agency Wasserman has completed the acquisition of UK-based CSM Sport & Entertainment.

The deal, which was announced in July, will broaden Wasserman’s reach in the sports, music, entertainment and culture industries, with a network of relationships with brands, properties and talent across 27 countries and 62 cities worldwide.

As integrations are ongoing, CSM will continue to operate as currently constituted and will formally become Wasserman in 2024. The combined business will work across Africa, Asia, Europe, Oceania, and North and South America.

CSM, which is chaired by Lord Sebastian Coe, has 1,200 employees across 22 offices in 11 countries and has marketed and produced events such as NASCAR’s Clash at the Coliseum in Los Angeles and Major League Baseball’s London series.

This marks the twelfth Acquisition in the past two years. Last month, the agency acquired entertainment management and production company Brillstein Entertainment Partners, formally launching its entertainment vertical.

Wasserman chairman and CEO Casey Wasserman said, “The completion of the Wasserman-CSM deal is another exciting and important milestone in Wasserman’s growth as we continue to build a company that serves the best talent, brands and properties across the world.”

CSM group CEO Matt Vandrau said, “For me, this is more than a sale of our business. It’s the combining of expertise that brings together the brightest and the best in the world of sport, music, entertainment and culture. This is the start of what will be an incredible new chapter, and I look forward to working alongside Casey and team to ensure sustainable success.”