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Wolverhampton was a sea of black and gold on Bank Holiday Monday as an estimated 80,000 supporters and citizens of the city gathered to view the teams open roof top bus parade.

The parade honoured their promotion to the Premier League after a six season absence.

The crowds gathered in Queens Square and all throughout the centre, the route bustling all the way to West Park where a crowd of 30,000 welcomed them.

As the flares were set off, the chants echoed throughout the city, the crowds were secured by the newly installed temporary vehicle barriers.

The surface mounted barriers blending into the surroundings, and were intended to aid the flow of crowd movement, rather than ‘hinder or intimidate’.

This was the largest deployment in the UK of the unique temporary barrier systems, the Wolverhampton Council working with Event Services and HVM Solutions Company StadiumTM.

More than 130m of barrier was installed across six different sites surrounding Queens Square and the city centre.

The barriers deployed included the ATG Access Surface Guard and the Rosehill Security Rapid Defender.

StadiumTM, has been deploying HVM solutions on a hire and install basis since late last year to further secure and create safe spaces.

By providing the hire and installation service to event organisers and councils it allows for cost effectiveness and a seamless operation. The barriers have also been hired and installed at Burnley FC, Manchester United and 2018 London Marathon.

The need to have such solutions in place is now widely recognised for temporary event security. To have all stakeholders working towards the common goal of creating safe spaces is key in the current risks facing the event industry and an example that should be followed.