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Music business representative body UK Music has appointed Stephanie Haughton-Campbell as its new director of operations.

Haughton-Campbell will handle business operations, the UK Music board secretariat and project management across UK Music’s campaign outputs and events.

Before joining UK Music Haughton-Campbell served as chief of staff at First Draft, a not-for-profit that protects communities from harmful misinformation. Previously, she spent eight years at Lloyd’s Register as an advisor to senior executives across the global Marine business.

UK Music Chief Executive Jamie Njoku-Goodwin said, “I’m delighted that Stephanie is joining the team at UK Music. She brings a wealth of team development and organisational experience, and it’s great to have her on board.”

Haughton-Campbell said, “It is a privilege to return to the creative sector in an organisation that wholehearted supports and champions our vibrant and diverse UK music industry.”

Haughton-Campbell succeeds former director of operations and head of diversity Rachel Bolland, who was with UK Music for three years.