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Music business representative body UK Music is carrying out a survey with the aim of improving diversity and inclusion in the UK music industry.

UK Music said the survey will be led by its Diversity Taskforce and will be aimed at those working behind the scenes in all aspects of the music industry, including the live music sector.

The survey, which is carried out every two years, was launched in 2016. UK Music said the aim is to gain an insight into where improvements are needed regarding diversity and inclusion, and where positive change is already under way.

UK Music CEO Jamie Njoku-Goodwin said, “We only get quality information if enough people fill out the survey – so I urge everyone who cares about diversity and inclusion in our industry to take part and encourage your work colleagues too as well.”

UK Music Diversity Taskforce chair Ammo Talwar (pictured) said, “We cannot shy away from the backdrop of change needed in the music industry around diversity and inclusion.

“UK Music’s Workforce Diversity survey is the leading light around collection of data and actions that are accountable and measured yearly. We urge you to become part of the solution and fill in the survey – your voice counts.”

Fill out the survey here: The survey is set to close Monday August 8.