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The Events Industry Forum (EIF) has announced that it has provided £211,000 in Purple Guide grants and funding for projects to support the UK outdoor events industry.

EIF said the recent launch of a new chapter on licensing had seen the Purple Guide reach 36 chapters, with further chapters covering sustainability and vehicle-based events planned for launch in the Autumn.

Since EIF took over publication of the guide from the Health & Safety Executive in 2010, all the monies generated from net sales of the guide are ring-fenced to be invested back into supporting the development and safety of the UK outdoor events industry.

EIF said the most recent projects to receive funding are Power of Events for a programme to inspire young people to join the events industry and the UK Crowd Management Association to support the development of a security conference in 2024.

EIF is currently inviting applications for the next round of grants which will take place in the Autumn.  The deadline for applications is the 1 November.