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The Event Industry Forum (EIF) said it is inviting applications for grants for projects that will benefit the outdoor events industry.

Since taking over publication of The Purple Guide from the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) in 2013, the Forum has already provided more than £200,000 in grants and support for projects to help the sector.

EIF, which consists of 33 trade bodies and similar organisations from across the outdoor event industry, said it is committed to using funds raised from sales of the guide to support projects that will have a wide benefit to the outdoor events industry.

Applications for grants must be made through the EIF website and include an explanation of how the project will benefit the events industry, as well as timescales for delivery. The next deadline for applications is 1st November.

Grant Guidelines

  • Applications must be able to demonstrate a purpose that will benefit and support the interests of the outdoor events industry.
  • Applications must be non-commercial in that the benefits are freely accessible to the industry and not subject to any form of commercial commitment.
  • Applicants must agree to provide EIF with regular progress reports on projects being funded and a detailed final report on the project at its conclusion, as well as to these reports being published on the EIF website.
  • Grant recipients must agree to present the results of the project to EIF members either via a Zoom or face-to-face meeting.