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The Events Industry Forum (EIF), which involves 26 organisations including the National Outdoor Events Association and Association of Independent Festivals, has called on the UK Government to support the industry with an indemnity scheme.

It said that although some events have been able to take place under Step 3 restrictions, the delay to 19 July of the Step 4 reopening has left many event operators in a precarious position.

“It really is a major blow to our industry and further underlines the disastrous consequences that the lack of insurance is having on our sector,” says Steve Heap (pictured), chair of the Events Industry Forum.  “We have been pressing the Government for months to underwrite COVID insurance for the industry but to date they have ignored our pleas and this decision will further undermine the confidence of event organisers.    It takes an incredibly brave organiser to take on the investment risk with the knowledge that the Government or a local authority might pull the plug at the last moment without any form of compensation.”

“While we fully support the need for caution in dealing with the pandemic, and our members are doing everything they can to minimise the risks at events they are organising, we now urgently need the Government to step up to the plate with an insurance scheme that enables us to plan for the future with some confidence that we will not be bankrupted by last minute decisions outside our control.”