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The National Outdoor Events Association (NOEA) has announced the second of a series of campaigns with The Nationwide Caterers Association (NCASS), this time steered towards attracting and keeping talent within the events industry.

The announcement follows on from the organisations’ shared campaign to raise awareness of gas safety at events, which was launched last month and will continue throughout the year.

The latest campaign will see both organisations focus on educating potential employees on the benefits of working within the independent food and drink sector, specifically relating to events.

Both NCASS and NOEA have networks within both universities and high school education and the associations will work to encourage the celebrating of these roles as credible career paths. The initiative will also look to raise awareness of the apprenticeship opportunities open to employers looking to gain new talent.

NCASS managing director Nick Summers said, “We really want to create a sector of choice, for people starting out in their careers, looking for a change or for those coming to the end of their careers and are looking for a different lifestyle – this is an industry that embraces so many transferable skills.

“It’s not just about transient workers or students looking for summer jobs, we need to present our industry as one that offers professional careers.

“There is an unhelpful perception out there that this is a sector of last resort, and it undermines both the talent we attract, but also the way we are perceived in business, education, and government. It’s something we really need to change as it underpins the wider perception of the industry and how we can grow in this present climate.”

The campaign will also outline the many benefits of a career in events and within the independent food industry, covering opportunities for growth, salary, and personal development.

NOEA CEO Susan Tanner said, “This is about us being future fit, but also ready to grow. We’ve never had a shortage of talent in the past, but we do now, and we need to work hard to attract and retain the best talent. Right now, we’re competing against every industry in business, and we need to make our case clearly and professionally.”