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Moving Venue by Smart catered for the installation of General Sir Nicholas Houghton, ex-chief of the defence staff, as the 160th constable of the Tower of London

At the ceremony, which took place on 5 October, 600 spectators witnessed General Sir Houghton being handed the gold master keys to the Tower by the lord chamberlain.

The constable is the most senior official at the Tower of London, acting as the Queen’s representative, and the role dates back to within a few years of the Norman Conquest.

General Sir Houghton, said: “Taking up the mantle of the 160th constable of the Tower of London is an enormous privilege and I’m very mindful of the wonderful diversity of characters that have preceded me in this office and of the enormous responsibilities involved.”

Moving Venue by Smart provided three canapé receptions for guests in various sections of the Tower followed by a three-course dinner in the White Tower.

Richard Beggs, managing director of Moving Venue, said “It is always a great honour for Moving Venue to cater inside the iconic Tower of London, which is steeped in such illustrious history. The 160th constable installation was a fantastic example of an age old tradition being celebrated in unique style.”

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