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A new online marketplace is hoping to bring the global events industry closer together.

Event Club, an online social marketplace for the events industry, has launched and already boasts more than 500 listed events companies from 15 countries and 16 cities around
the world.

Founded by former Harvey Goldsmith and Wasserman employee Glyn Hooper, Event Club allows event professionals to find, review and recommend event support services from around the world.

The site is an online-only community designed exclusively for the industry, with its three features – discuss, discover and review – crowdsourced from its users. The ‘discuss’ function will allow event professionals to chat with their global colleagues and ask for advice on everything from accreditation to local licensing laws.

Event Club also features a points-based rating system for businesses, with more detailed company profiles receiving more member reviews and appearing higher up on the listing. The best-reviewed companies can also be featured in the Event Club Top Three.

“Event Club was borne out of frustration that, unlike any other industry, there isn’t a simple, user-friendly network that connects people in the business with each other,” Hooper said.

Hooper has already received funding from Start Up Direct, a Government-backed start-up loan scheme. The new site is also backed by angel investor Rodney Appiah. Hooper’s former boss Goldsmith expressed his support: “This is a fantastic idea. It’s great to see a TripAdvisor for the industry. It’s about time companies got a rating,” he said.

With its investment funds, Event Club plans on adding further services and increasing its supplier and user database in new markets.

“This investment means Event Club can continue to innovate, expand the service and meet our target of getting 10,000 event professionals and support service provider members within the next six months,” Hooper said.