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Immersive film company Secret Cinema has announced the theme of its next event, which will take place in summer 2019, as Bond film Casino Royale.

Secret cinema constructs events which blend live theatre with set design in hidden locations, themed around a different movie each time. They often encourage attendees to dress in costumes themed to the film, or to play a character from the film’s universe. A screening of the film in question is the focal point for each event.

This past October saw Secret Cinema staging an event centred around Baz Luhrmann’s Romeo & Juliet, with attendees being assigned to either the house of Capulet or Montague.

Previous events have centred on Danny Boyle’s 28 Days Later, screening the film inside a recreated hospital ward, with an interruption during the film from actors playing a horde of zombies.

Although details of Secret Cinema’s next event are (naturally) scarce, their website reads: “The world of espionage has changed. Are you ready to enter a world of high stakes, sophistication and deception? Operate in the shadows or be in the heart of the action where the risks are great, but the rewards are greater.

“Should you accept, you will receive your mission briefing, including; alias, target location and further classified information. The time has come to find out if you have what it takes.”

Tickets for the summer 2019 event go on sale 6 December.