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Prolyte, a global manufacturer of hardware products for the entertainment industry owned by RTV Noord, has filed for bankruptcy. Prolyte have supplied truss, staging and hoists for a range of customers.

The Prolyte Group’s Netherland’s-based office in Leek will be closing, causing the 40 employees who work there to lose their jobs. According to an internal mail from the company, employees were informed of this decision on 3 October 2019.

Prolyte’s Leek office primarily assembled electrical hoists, as well as having a sales and design department.

Whilst the true reason for Prolyte filing for bankruptcy is unknown, an internal mail from the company implied that the producer of stage components is no longer able to meet their ‘payment obligations’.

Allegedly, director Lambert Bouwmeester has said that Prolyte’s financial situation has been deteriorating since June 2019.

Bouwmeester’s official statement was: “If a restart takes place quickly, there is still much to be saved”.

Controllux, a light supplier, offered an official statement on the issue on 4 October 2019: “This afternoon we got the sad message that Prolyte Group could no longer meet the financial obligations. The future is uncertain at the moment but it is hoped that the blue heart of Prolyte can continue knocking it in a different form. At the moment we are working a start. What does this mean for you… Controllux will of course try to limit the consequences for you as a relation to a minimum.

“The limited stock can of course still be ordered. New orders will not be adopted at this moment until further insight. Of course we can provide you with equivalent alternatives in the field of truss, hoists and stage parts. For more information, please contact our front office. We will keep you informed of the developments and wish all employees, suppliers and co-dealers a lot of strength!”

Glenn Roggeman, CEO of AED Group also made a statement via Twitter: “As biggest Prolyte truss owner we will help every distributor and customers that needs products Just let us know.”

Ralph Stockely, chief business development officer at Prolyte Group official said: “There has been some news posted about The Prolyte Group, and indeed, Prolyte is going through some changes. While we are unsure exactly how the global company will be structured in the future, let me assure you that the Prolyte USA team are striving to maintain as much continuity as possible throughout this transition.

“We have a warehouse with stock in Pearland, TX and are working hard to ensure existing orders and new requests are fulfilled as efficiently as possible throughout North America. We are hopeful for the future of Prolyte worldwide and will make every effort to help our customers continue to have access to the award winning Prolyte products.”

The Prolyte Group’s official Facebook page also issued the following statement on 7 October 2019: “Dear all, It is with great pride that we see your heartwarming support, thoughts, ideas, and loyalty to the greatest Brand in the Entertainment Industry. Although the developments are hard to predict, this Brand will continue. Over the next few weeks, we will update you to our best ability. We are still here and will remain here. The best team in the world will keep fighting, and we aim to stay here and to continue this great Brand. We are Prolyte; our Blue Heart beats stronger than ever! We thank you for your support and trust. Warmest regards, Your Prolyte team.”.

Please note: some of the information in this article has been translated from Dutch.