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Yorkshire based Production Park provided bespoke solutions for the team behind Cirque du Soleil’s show Luzia, which took place at London’s Royal Albert Hall (cap. 5,272) from  12 January – 27 February.

The show’s team was based in the Wakefield-based Production Park’s Studio 001, one of its arena-sized rehearsal facilities.

Cirque du Soleil called upon technical support from the park’s research and innovation centre XPLOR, support from Backstage Academy students, and Rockpool Tour Catering.

Cirque Du Soleil director show support Gerard Edwards-Webb said, “Having everything under one roof was remarkable – I cannot think of another facility in the UK that could have offered solutions to all our challenges within such easy reach. In addition to enabling our troupe to rehearse in a safe, tailor made environment, it also saved us a lot of time and money.

“Without the space and incredible facilities offered at Production Park, our team would have had to travel across the country and frequently interrupt schedules.”

Production Park co-founder and CEO Lee Brooks said, “It was great to welcome our friends from to Production Park. The unique nature of this global brand requires a host with specialist infrastructure, technical know-how and support.”