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Old Barn Audio has purchased a new 16-element MLA Compact system from Martin Audio to help reduce noise pollution at event sites. 

Old Barn director Phil Clark emphasised that demand for technology that eliminates off-site noise escape has only increased for this summer, making the investment in new equipment logical. 

“The purchase represents a major step forward for us, and while we hope it also enhances Old Barn Audio’s reputation, we want the major rental companies to look at us as partners, not competitors, and as a resource for offering trouble-free hire,” Clark said. “The sub-hire market does not have to cover just the UK either – we are in direct contact with many of our European MLA partners to also be able to offer this cross-hire to them as well.” 

Equipment of this type and range has started appearing on event riders, and the new MLA Compact system will be available for cross-hire to production companies.

Al Brown, Martin Audo’s UK national sales manager said: “Old Barn Audio’s vision to take advantage of this [demand] makes perfect sense and we are happy to support them in this opportunity.”

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Old Barn Audio has purchased a new 16-element MLA Compact system from Martin Audio to help reduce noise pollution at event sites. 

Old Barn director Phil Clark emphasised that demand for technology that eliminates off-site noise escape has only increased for this summer, making the investment in new equipment logical. 

“The purchase represents a major step forward for us, and while we hope it also enhances Old Barn Audio’s reputation, we want the major rental companies to look at us as partners, not competitors, and as a resource for offering trouble-free hire,” Clark said. “The sub-hire market does not have to cover just the UK either – we are in direct contact with many of our European MLA partners to also be able to offer this cross-hire to them as well.” 

Equipment of this type and range has started appearing on event riders, and the new MLA Compact system will be available for cross-hire to production companies.

Al Brown, Martin Audo’s UK national sales manager said: “Old Barn Audio’s vision to take advantage of this [demand] makes perfect sense and we are happy to support them in this opportunity.”

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