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Team Love’s Bristol festival Love Saves The Day (LSTD) has launched a sustainability awareness campaign, ahead of its relocation to Ashton Court over the Queen’s Jubilee bank holiday weekend (2-3 June).

This year, the festival, which increased its capacity from 25,000 to 30,000, will partner with environmental campaign group Music Declares Emergency alongside other festivals, using the No Music on a Dead Planet pledge as a communication point for artists and attendees.

The campaign will begin with a look into the history and ecosystems that exist at Ashton Court, a site once regularly used for free festivals that has not seen a music festival since 2008. Team Love said it will invite attendees to think about waste, food consumption, water usage and their day-to-day choices.

The promoter has arranged a £2 return Love Bus from Bristol’s main train station, Temple Meads, which is carbon-balanced with Ecolibrium – a Bristol-based service that works with event organisers to tackle the environmental impacts of travel. The promoter has also partnered with Big Green Coach to arrange travel for those commuting from outside Bristol.

Other initiatives include banning single-use plastic from the site, as part of Drastic on Plastic campaign, which includes glitter. Attendees have also been encouraged to bring their own reusable water bottles to the festival, with metal ones available to purchase on-site.

The promoter also recently launched a conscious fashion campaign, encouraging those attending to support local designers and buy sustainable outfits.

This year’s LSTD will see more vegetarian and vegan food traders this year, as well as compost toilets accounting for two thirds of toilets on the site. It will also introduce PEEQUAL this year, a safe and sustainable urinal for women, designed by University of Bristol graduates.

Team Love sustainability manager Pauline Bourdon said, “We believe we have a responsibility to inspire awareness and changes in the local area, emphasising the duty of care towards future generations and communities, to make sure they can also experience the benefits of live music, arts, and culture for years to come.”

Organisers have also signed the Vision: 2025 Pledge – an event industry initiative that aims to inspire events to measure their environmental impacts and reduce them by 50% by the year 2025 and are aiming for Net Zero by 2030.