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Veteran rock act KISS is set to become the subject of a virtual concert series having agreed a deal to sell their song catalogue, name and IP including image and likeness to entertainment and music investment firm Pophouse Entertainment.

Sweden’s Pophouse, which was the founding investor in London’s ABBA Voyage show series, has reportedly paid USD $300 million for KISS’ assets. The heavy metal act has sold more than 100m records worldwide since the band was formed some 50 year ago.

Pophouse head of investment Johan Lagerlöf said the deal would enable the company to realise the band’s vision to become immortal. The company has already begun creating digital versions of KISS, with the virtual show project previewed at the final KISS show in Madison Square Garden in New York on 2 December last year. Pophouse said it is planning to launch a full KISS avatar show in 2027.

Lagerlöf said, “KISS is one of the most recognised and iconic bands in the history of music. The band has consistently been able to appeal to new generations of fans and our mission is to fulfill the band’s vision to become immortal, and to let new generations discover and be part of the KISS journey and carry it forward. With the help of the fans’ energy, the band, our expertise, and creativity – we will make that vision happen”

Virtual concert series ABBA Voyage is understood to be making more than £1.6m a week across seven shows at the purpose-built, 3,000-capacity, ABBA Arena designed by Stufish Entertainment Architects and built by ES Global.