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Recent news on Access that tickets are going up in price rang true with Luker Rowe’s Peter Tilsed, who has noticed some upward trends.


This is a trend I’ve seen as a big music fan. Just look at the following top artists – and I am sure there are plenty more examples:

Fleetwood Mac – only have two concerts in the UK this year (Wembley 16-18 June) – but can’t sell out.

The Eagles – are only playing six UK dates, and haven’t played here for many years – but can’t sell out.

The Who – are only playing one UK date this year (6 July at Wembley) – but can’t sell out.

These artists would never in the past have unsold tickets. They are all still just as popular, so it goes to show the prices are just too expensive. I would love to go to all of these gigs, but I won’t pay the prices for a top seat, and I won’t pay what is still a lot of money for a seat where you will be only able to see the band by looking at the big screen.

The following are all from Ticketmaster and are therefore original tickets and not resales:

The Fleetwood Mac tickets for a front block are £217 each (£315 if you want a platinum ticket) The cheapest seats – which in Wembley is a long way from the stage are £83.70.

The Who – £212 for a front block, the website shows ticket prices were up to £349. Block 221 which is a long way from the stage are £129 and completely at the back of the stadium is £78.

The Eagles – similar story. Even at Birmingham they today have seats unsold at £227.20 (including a £27.20 booking fee) – and then at the end don’t forget to add the £2.55 admin fee.