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John Young, former head of technical services at Ambassador Theatre Group, has partnered with Gallowglass Training to produce a Top 20 suite of training courses for on-site operational staff.

From basic Manual Handling to the flagship IOSH Managing Safely four-day course for managers and supervisors, Young has compiled a suite of both statutory and technical skills training courses covering all levels of responsibility, as he takes up the role of head of training at Gallowglass.

Gallowglass Training’s ‘Top 20’ course content is largely based on health and safety, designed for the live events, exhibition, and theatre and entertainment sectors. Categories include safe use of tools and equipment, first aid and fire safety.

“There’s been a surge in demand for training from companies wanting to up skill their people and ensure a safe working environment, which we attribute to tightening legislation and the growing focus on professionalising the industry,” he said.

“Companies can’t afford the risk of a big pay-out or a hike in their insurance premium following a major accident, so maintaining a state of unconscious incompetence is no longer an option.”

Steve Kearney, managing partner of Gallowglass Training, said: “Aside from the externally-accredited courses, we’ve identified some key knowledge gaps. Up until now there’s been no formal production managers’ safety training available. We’ve also been delivering sessions for venues and event owners needing to understand their responsibilities around the CDM Regulations.”

Gallowglass Training is part of Gallowglass Health and Safety LLP – a member of the Gallowglass events services group and was launched in 2011 to deliver accredited courses specifically for the live events sector.