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Tom Lovegrove, head of planning at marketing services at Wasserman speaks on consumers across the pond.

Brands need to switch from analysing consumers in terms of demographics and concentrate on their emotional behaviours. We’re starting to see a convergence between consumers on both sides of the Atlantic. Consumers are demanding that brands are more truthful and authentic, and there is also an expectation that they behave far more ethically across a range of issues including the sourcing of raw materials, environmental impact and fair working practices. 

Having said that, there are still clear differences when you deliver activations for UK and US consumers. Research from VisualDNA, has shown that US consumers are more likely to be responsive to emotive campaigns, and less concerned with price points than the average Brit. The British are more likely to be idea seekers – they are more practical than emotional, and are this more likely to respond to simple, fact-based campaigns. 

Wasserman has a range of consumer insight tools at our disposal.  These include globally syndicated consumer panels, the latest trend reports and Unlock, our proprietary social audience platform provides data across more than 330m social profiles.