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Access is among the partners for a new project, Festival Safe, designed by festival organisers and industry professionals who strongly feel there is a lack of vital information readily available for first-time and regular festival goers, to prevent incidents happening at festivals.

This initiative has come as a result of extensive market research, which found that festival goers would like a facility where they can gather festival information ahead of going to their chosen events.

Whether the matter is as trivial as reminding festival goers to pack their wellies, to explaining keys steps in managing a criminal incident, industry professionals intend to fill the knowledge gap to promote harm reduction.

Collaborating with a well known music artist (to be revealed soon) launched 26 April, offering festival goers the facility to find information on every aspect of a festival.

Focus areas will include what to expect before you go, camping, crime, drugs and alcohol, sexual health, mental health. Festival Safe has been designed to relay its messaging in a fun, relevant and cool manner, thus tapping into its target audience whilst ensuring the seriousness of this initiative is achieved and retained.

Global is the founding funders of this project, however, the website won’t be affiliated with any one festival. It will be a resource that any organisation can signpost customers to.  So far, Global, Festival Republic and the Association of Independent Festivals have all confirmed involvement.

Ground Control CEO and founder of Festival Save, Jon Drape, told Access: “The aim is to develop this into a recognisable brand where people find out information on all aspects of safety at festivals. We make sure the content is meaningful, readable and not judgemental.”