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The Business Visits and Events Partnership manifesto launched yesterday (27 October) at the Museum of London, with 39 recommendations on how the meetings and events industry can help shape Britain’s future.

Providing subvention funds to DMOs, creating a Special Events visa, and increasing the annual tax exemption for staff parties and social functions were listed as key proposals in the document titled, ‘Events Can Win for Britain’.

The manifesto has taken on the GREAT campaign branding and was put together by the Manifesto Working Group, led by Brian Kirsch of Event Assured and EVCOM, with input from the BVEP’s 22 representative bodies.

“Increasingly we are getting the ear of government and we wanted a document that not only sells our industry, but explains how ministers and policy makers can create a better environment for the industry to flourish,” said Kirsch. “We have extended print runs of the manifesto so that anyone in the industry that has a relationship with government departments can pass on a copy ahead of the General Election.”

The recommendations are set out in eight sections highlighting a role for national and local government, focusing on better regulation and more competitive taxation, together with proposals for infrastructure, marketing and training. Six key specific proposals are:

1. Place events at the centre of economic growth
2. Fully incorporate Events in the GREAT campaign
3. Integrate the Events sector into the Creative Industries Strategy
4. Create a Special Events visa
5. Provide subvention funds to DMOs
6. Increase the annual tax exemption for staff parties and social functions

“With a General Election only seven months away, now is a crucial time to start convincing politicians, prospective parliamentary candidates and those who compile the Party manifestos that the events Industry can help to shape Britain’s future,” said BVEP chairman Michael Hirst.

“The document is comprehensive and lays out the ways government can support the £39.1bn events industry; any political party seeking to win the election needs to take note of it.”

The ‘Events Can Win for Britain’ report will also be distributed through the All Party Parliamentary Group for Events, Chaired by Nick de Bois MP.

Got a story for Access All Areas? Email Tom Hall
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The Business Visits and Events Partnership manifesto launched yesterday (27 October) at the Museum of London, with 39 recommendations on how the meetings and events industry can help shape Britain’s future.

Providing subvention funds to DMOs, creating a Special Events visa, and increasing the annual tax exemption for staff parties and social functions were listed as key proposals in the document titled, ‘Events Can Win for Britain’.

The manifesto has taken on the GREAT campaign branding and was put together by the Manifesto Working Group, led by Brian Kirsch of Event Assured and EVCOM, with input from the BVEP’s 22 representative bodies.

“Increasingly we are getting the ear of government and we wanted a document that not only sells our industry, but explains how ministers and policy makers can create a better environment for the industry to flourish,” said Kirsch. “We have extended print runs of the manifesto so that anyone in the industry that has a relationship with government departments can pass on a copy ahead of the General Election.”

The recommendations are set out in eight sections highlighting a role for national and local government, focusing on better regulation and more competitive taxation, together with proposals for infrastructure, marketing and training. Six key specific proposals are:

1. Place events at the centre of economic growth
2. Fully incorporate Events in the GREAT campaign
3. Integrate the Events sector into the Creative Industries Strategy
4. Create a Special Events visa
5. Provide subvention funds to DMOs
6. Increase the annual tax exemption for staff parties and social functions

“With a General Election only seven months away, now is a crucial time to start convincing politicians, prospective parliamentary candidates and those who compile the Party manifestos that the events Industry can help to shape Britain’s future,” said BVEP chairman Michael Hirst.

“The document is comprehensive and lays out the ways government can support the £39.1bn events industry; any political party seeking to win the election needs to take note of it.”

The ‘Events Can Win for Britain’ report will also be distributed through the All Party Parliamentary Group for Events, Chaired by Nick de Bois MP.

Got a story for Access All Areas? Email Tom Hall
Follow us @Access_AA
Or on Facebook and Instagram (AccessAllAreasUK)