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The mother of a victim of the Manchester Arena bombing has lent her support to the University of Cumbria’s counter-terrorism risk management course, days after hearing harrowing evidence at an inquiry into the attack.

Figen Murray (pictured), whose son Martyn Hett was 29-years-old when he was among 22 people killed in the 2017 terror attack, attended the launch of the course and said it was imperative that people who worked in safety, counter-terrorism and security had the opportunity to receive expert training in risk management.

S.T.O.R.M 4 Events Ltd has partnered with the University of Cumbria to deliver the first civilian-based accredited qualification in Counter-Terrorism Risk Management which addresses a recognised gap between public sector specialists trained as Counter Terrorism Security Coordinators (CT SecCo) and safety and security managers.

Murray said, “It currently feels that terrorists are a step or two ahead of the rest of us, but hopefully the university’s advanced diploma will help close some of the gaps.”