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Temporary structures supplier Arena is launching a series of London ice rinks following a Gold Standard for Covid-secure events.

Safety measures include bigger ice rinks to enable social distancing, increased hygiene, sanitation systems and staggered start times so customers will join at different times.

The ice rinks will be stationed at Hampton Court Palace, the Tower of London and The Queens House in Greenwich. They will also feature funfairs food and drink stalls, ice slides and Christmas markets.

Rob Derry, Managing Director of Arena Events Group, said: “We’re delighted to be able to announce the launch of our ice skating events for 2020, which has only come about following months of consultation with industry experts about how to ensure our sites are as COVID-safe as possible.

“We’ve teamed up with other members of the industry, some of whom are our competitors, to find a solution that works for everyone – staff, customers and stakeholders – and we’re confident that we’ve come up with a plan to deliver a Covid-safe environment.

“Winter attractions for the domestic market are more important than ever following a challenging summer of lockdown and lack of international visitors, so we’re hoping our confidence in opening will not only keep staff employed but also help the hospitality industry get back on its feet, as the rinks generate footfall to an array of businesses nearby.

“Of course, we also need people to come, but we’ve been encouraged by strong visitor levels at other attractions that have been open this year, as well as positive feedback and genuine customer appetite for the ice rinks to return. We’ve been inundated with enquiries about when tickets are going on sale, so it seems people are reluctant to give up their traditional Christmas skating experience.”