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The stars were out at Wembley Stadium this weekend for the Capital FM Summertime Ball on 21 July. 

Ellie Goulding, Miley Cyrus, Enrique Inglesias, Pharrell Williams, Calvin Harris and more performed on stage to an audience of around 80,000. 

Adlib, a UK-based technical solutions provider and equipment rental company, provided all the audio crew and equipment for the massive annual event. This was Adlib’s fourth consecutive year at the Summertime Ball. 

Tony Szabo, Adlib’s resident KSE system engineer, designed the PA system made up of L-Acoustics K1/K2 equipment. DiGiCo consoles, which Adlib has recently invested in, were also used to run with the complicated main stage revolve system. 

The Summertime Ball is more large-scale live TV event than pop concert, so the changeovers between performers were extremely tight. Adlib had to be on point throughout the six and a half hour show, so the company dispatched event veterans Fabrizio Piazzini and Ian Nelson to “babysit and mix” the systems. Meanwhile, Gavin Tempany and Steve Pattison managed the monitoring elements at the stage end of Wembley. 

On the crew side, Michael Flaherty helmed a team of 22 audio professionals.

“It’s absolutely vital to have a super-strong crew on a show like this,” said Adlib director Phil Stoker. “There can be no weak links, everyone has to work incredibly hard and be fully focused – not just on their individual roles, but also seeing the bigger picture and being true team players.”

The entire Adlib team prepared for weeks before the Summertime Ball – but it all paid off in the end, Stoker insisted.

“I am extremely proud of what was achieved,” he said. 


Have a story for Access All Areas? Email or tweet Emma Hudson

The stars were out at Wembley Stadium this weekend for the Capital FM Summertime Ball on 21 July. 

Ellie Goulding, Miley Cyrus, Enrique Inglesias, Pharrell Williams, Calvin Harris and more performed on stage to an audience of around 80,000. 

Adlib, a UK-based technical solutions provider and equipment rental company, provided all the audio crew and equipment for the massive annual event. This was Adlib’s fourth consecutive year at the Summertime Ball. 

Tony Szabo, Adlib’s resident KSE system engineer, designed the PA system made up of L-Acoustics K1/K2 equipment. DiGiCo consoles, which Adlib has recently invested in, were also used to run with the complicated main stage revolve system. 

The Summertime Ball is more large-scale live TV event than pop concert, so the changeovers between performers were extremely tight. Adlib had to be on point throughout the six and a half hour show, so the company dispatched event veterans Fabrizio Piazzini and Ian Nelson to “babysit and mix” the systems. Meanwhile, Gavin Tempany and Steve Pattison managed the monitoring elements at the stage end of Wembley. 

On the crew side, Michael Flaherty helmed a team of 22 audio professionals.

“It’s absolutely vital to have a super-strong crew on a show like this,” said Adlib director Phil Stoker. “There can be no weak links, everyone has to work incredibly hard and be fully focused – not just on their individual roles, but also seeing the bigger picture and being true team players.”

The entire Adlib team prepared for weeks before the Summertime Ball – but it all paid off in the end, Stoker insisted.

“I am extremely proud of what was achieved,” he said. 


Have a story for Access All Areas? Email or tweet Emma Hudson