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With regulations changing frequently, it can be difficult to keep up with current rules around whether live music and events are permitted.

Access has rounded up a selection of countries from around the world, and the current situation (as of 29 October) with regards to whether or not they can stage events.


France – As of 29 October, France is re-entering a national lockdown which will see all social gatherings banned. People will only be able to leave home for essential work or medical reasons. The government has announced €115m of funding to support cultural industries during the closure, with €55m specifically for live music.

Ireland – Ireland has also implemented a new national lockdown until 1 December. Music venues have been closed and events have been cancelled.

Austria – The Austrian government has announced an event insurance scheme, which will see the government cover the costs of an event if it is cancelled due to regulation changes. Currently, 1,000 people can attend seated indoor events and 1,500 can attend outdoor events. Masks are compulsory at all events.

Australia – Rules vary state to state: Victoria, which contains Melbourne, is coming out of lockdown over the next couple of weeks and events are still restricted. New South Wales, in which Sydney resides, currently allows outdoor musical performances with a maximum of 500 people, while festivals and nightclubs remain closed. A recent senate meeting found that only AUD$50m of the AUD$250m Arts & Entertainment Package, designed to support cultural institutions during lockdown, had actually been distributed.

Italy – The Italian government, as of 24 October, has closed all venues and banned all indoor and outdoor events. Sport is continuing behind closed doors. These rules will be in place until 24 November at the earliest.

China – Live shows are taking place across China, with an audience capacity limit of 500 and with a bar on international artists. However, a pool party festival in Wuhan took place in August without any social distancing.

USA – Specific rules vary state to state, but by and large live events and concerts are cancelled or heavily restricted. The ‘Save Our Stages’ act was passed through Congress, allowing the Small Business Administration to make grants up to USD$12m to live venue operators, producers, promoters, or talent representatives. However, campaigners have said these grants do not go far enough and many jobs will be lost.

Marc Geiger, a veteran music exec who until earlier this year served as the global head of music at talent agency WME, has also launched SaveLives, a new venture aimed at throwing a financial lifeline to at-risk music venues.

Singapore – As of 1 November, gigs for up to 100 people will be allowed in Singapore. However, only those venues that have been selected by the government are allowed to host events.