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Kristin Lamb, head of sales and service for ExecSpace, a UK venue finding agency, shares her views on what employees are looking for in a good employer

Flexibility – In this day and age, I think it’s really important that employers can be flexible with their staff. There are lots of ways that this can happen and perhaps the most obvious ones are with working hours, personal appointments and working from home on the odd day. It’s also important to remember that for those employees with young family, life can occasionally be a little bit unpredictable, so working for a boss who understands this can be really beneficial.

Having said this, flexibility works both ways and if you’re lucky enough to have an employer who is able to accommodate your need for flexibility, then when they need to call a favour back, you need to make sure that you go above and beyond to fulfil this. Mutual respect and trust is the key to any strong working relationship so having each other’s back is fundamental.

Working with a purpose – I personally am not someone that can just turn up to work and do the same thing over and over. Working with a purpose and being able to see the bigger picture is really important. That way, you can genuinely see where you are making a positive difference to the business that you are working for. Don’t be afraid to ask your employer for more insight and business intelligence. The more you know about your company, the better you can serve it.

Personal growth – I’m fortunate enough to work for a company that really promotes personal growth and I’ve learnt so much since joining ExecSpace in 2014. Working for a business that clearly cares about the development of its employee’s results in a more engaged workforce, which then in turn directly links to employee performance and profitability over time. It’s a win-win for everyone.

Industry and client facing experience – There is no substitute for getting out there in the field to meet with your customers and talk with them. Relationships in business count for a lot and working for an employer that isn’t afraid to put you in front of their customers can be really rewarding. Speaking with my clients is one of my favourite aspects of the job.

Good working environment and a nice team – This is perhaps the most important thing when it comes to looking for a good employer. If you are spending around 40 hours per week (in a full time position) with the same people in an office, it’s vital that this is a positive space to be in and that you are surrounded by nice people who are as equally supportive and enthusiastic about their careers as you are.

Cultivating a positive working environment and maintaining it can be a tough thing to crack but without it, your staff turn over will increase and then resources that could otherwise be used on personal growth and development of existing staff will have to be reinvested back into the initial recruitment and training process of new recruits again.