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On 22 May 2017, Figen’s son Martyn went to a concert and never came home. Martyn’s was one of 22 lives lost in the Manchester Arena bombing. Now Figen (pictured) is striving to create a lasting legacy for her son, a legacy of improved and permanent public safety through Martyn’s Law.

As a venue operator or event organiser, the implications are huge, and International Confex will host a seminar at 2.00 on 26 February and hear from Figen about why the fundamental counter terror security measures outlined in Martyn’s Law have to become mandatory rather than discretionary, for the protection of us all.

Figen is calling on Venue Operators and Event Organisers to instate a common standard of counter terrorism precautions across venues and events. Venues and organisers have a duty of care to their visitors and delegates and currently, counter terrorism measures across venues as well as training for venue and organiser staff is sketchy and inconsistent.

Having initially garnered the support of Mayor of Manchester, now the Prime Minister, Home Secretary and Security Minister have all declared their support for Martyn’s Law.

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Prime Minister backs Martyn’s Law