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The Trailblazers Industry Advisory Board met on 4 April to discuss the state of apprenticeships in the events industry. The board was composed of senior agency heads, recruitment specialists and industry associations.

The board aims to create a standardised programme enabling event companies to employ apprentices before the end of 2016.

The meeting comes after the acceptance of the Events Industry Standard for apprenticeships earlier this year. Discussions were had on gaining further input from event agencies around assessing the skills and knowledge that new apprentices would need to achieve.

“We’re now in a position where we have an accepted standard for apprentices, developed by the events industry,” commented Mark Riches (pictured), chair of the Trailblazers Industry Advisory Board. “We had a room full of senior event professionals with a clear idea on the core skills they need from employees.

“During the meeting we were able to clearly define how it will be delivered and assessed, and we’re confident event companies will be in a position to take on apprentices in 2016.”

The meeting was kicked off by a spokesperson from the apprenticeship strategy and policy manager, department of business innovation and skills, who underlined the government’s commitment to achieving three million new apprenticeships.

“It’s important that programmes are led by the industry and that we put employers in the driving seat of apprenticeships.” he commented. “These programmes are focused on End Point Assessment, which means at the end of the day we ensure they deliver fully competent employees to business.”