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A new app and social platform called Native is attempting to bring students together, providing information and recommendations to improve their nights out.

Native is attempting to solve the problem many first year students have before they know the city they are living in, and where the best spots are. The free app provides information on every event, venue, bar, club, café, and takeaway in the area.

The idea is that, with the app in hand, students will feel like natives of their university city from day one – knowing which bars are open until 3am, where to find a mid-week hip-hop night, or which of the night buses is most likely to be vomit-free.

They are tapping into a market is 2.32m students, who contribute £95bn to the country’s economy. But this audience is becoming harder and harder to reach as they depart from traditional media.

Native is currently launched in Birmingham, Bournemouth, Brighton, Cardiff, Leeds, Manchester and Sheffield.

The app also includes social tools intended to make inviting friends and organising nights out a seamless experience, as well as ticket price comparison so users can stretch their student loans as far as possible.

It also features a recommendations algorithm, which can analyse user’s Spotify history to find music events in the area which they will enjoy.

CEO Nick Musto said: “We are on a mission to make sure students have more fun. We want to make nightlife more accessible for everyone and save our users money in the process.

“We’re currently on course to be the biggest platform for freshers students by the end of 2018, which is crazy. We believe 2018/19 is going to be an incredible year for the business.”