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Live event production company The Fair has launched an advice line providing new promoters and other fledgling event professionals with free advice on how to progress their career in the festival and events industry.

The Advice Line, launched by The Fair director Yasmin Galletti (pictured left), will provide 30-minute slots via phone or video call with experienced industry professionals.

The Fair said the new tool was created with the aim of encouraging fresh talent to join the industry and see festival work as a “real career choice”. The company’s current clients include Boiler Room, GALA, El Dorado, Eastern Electrics, Otherlands and the US-based Recfest.

Callers will have the option of speaking to Galletti or fellow director of The Fair, Rob Dudley (pictured right), both of whom have more than 30 years of combined industry experience.

Galletti said, “I know how hard it can be to get your foot in the door, which is why I want to ensure the next generation of talent have more resources available, and a friendly face to talk to.

“It’s great to see so much more support out there for people joining the world of festivals and events, but we can all be doing more to get our wonderful industry to be known, and for the fresh generation of talent to realise events as a real career choice. Just by talking to people, we are galvanising the future leaders of the festival industry. We hope that in doing this, we are not only supporting the next generation, but building a stronger pool of talent for the future of our industry.”

Dudley said, “I really hope that this initiative gives those people thinking about setting out on a career in events the opportunity to get some practical, broad-ranging and honest advice, which will go on to benefit our industry as a whole.”

To book a chat through The Advice Line, callers should head to The Fair’s Advice Line page, where they can arrange a time to talk to an industry professional.