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Ticketing platform Skiddle has launched two new initiatives designed to tackle ticket touts and make the ticket buying process more flexible.

Re:Sell is an initiative designed to cut out the secondary ticketing market by allowing customers who can no longer attend an event to put them on sale at face value.

The move is intended to eradicate the inflation imposed by many ticket touts and will benefit promoters by reducing the number of no-shows at their events.

Cool:Off is an initiative that will give customers the chance to change their minds about ticket purchases during a 72-hour grace period. The initiative comes after UPS found that as many as 82 per cent of customers actively looked for flexible refunds when shopping.

Cool:Off is expected to encourage impulse purchases, as customers know they have a safety net, and initial tests have shown that sales for events using the initiative can be boosted by as much as 27 per cent.