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Skiddle has launched a new event app, Weekends Matter, that will make it easier discover more events.

Integrated with Uber, the app allows users to book tickets to events and get to the venue quickly in just a few clicks. The app also provides personalised event recommendations that alert users to club nights, gigs, comedy festivals and more nearby.

Weekends Matter is also compatible with Spotify, so users can listen to music clips and discover new talent.

Ben Sebborn, technical director at Skiddle, said: “We developed the app in response to consumer demands, as mobile is now overtaking desktop and the majority of people now own smartphones. When popular events are announced it’s much easier for customers to be able to buy tickets quickly, while they’re on the move.

“We wanted to create an app that benefitted everyone, not just something only people in Manchester or London could utilise or something that was focused only on dance music. In this way we’re doing more for customers than what is offered from competitors like Dice and Resident Advisor.

“The development of the app now means that thousands of event tickets are available to revelers at the click of a button and users can update their settings so that they are alerted when their favourite band comes on sale or when an event is happening nearby. Skiddle is so keen to get gig-goers to their favourite events in time that we have partnered with Uber, which is integrated into the app, and the first ride is even free.”