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The Event Production Show’s first edition under the Mash Media umbrella was a spectacular success. Visitor numbers were up by 14 per cent and more than half of exhibitors have pledged to rebook for 2014.

All four Access Sessions were standing room only, and with an onus on experience, there were a number of other seminars in the mix, social media, sustainable power solutions, health and safety and event policing among the subjects.

“We listened to what exhibitors and visitors wanted and set about organising a show that would meet and hopefully, exceed expectations,” event director, Duncan Siegle, said. “To record such notable figures in our first year is remarkable and acts as a superb endorsement for the team’s achievements. We now have a fantastic platform for development and an excellent head start on the 2014 show.”

On the first evening, more than 500 industry professionals gathered at the Lancaster London hotel for the Event Production Awards, where 20 companies and individuals were recognised for their efforts and achievements in 2012.

Caroline Littler, sales and marketing manager for first time exhibitor Wow!Grass, winner of the Best Shell Scheme Stand award, said the firm had a great response across the two days.

“We were really impressed by both the number and quality of visitors,” she said. “The place was really buzzing. The keynote speakers were a big draw and this, combined with the learning opportunities in the seminars and the diversity of exhibitors, meant the formula was just right to get the best people through the door.” 

The Event Production Show’s first edition under the Mash Media umbrella was a spectacular success. Visitor numbers were up by 14 per cent and more than half of exhibitors have pledged to rebook for 2014.

All four Access Sessions were standing room only, and with an onus on experience, there were a number of other seminars in the mix, social media, sustainable power solutions, health and safety and event policing among the subjects.

“We listened to what exhibitors and visitors wanted and set about organising a show that would meet and hopefully, exceed expectations,” event director, Duncan Siegle, said. “To record such notable figures in our first year is remarkable and acts as a superb endorsement for the team’s achievements. We now have a fantastic platform for development and an excellent head start on the 2014 show.”

On the first evening, more than 500 industry professionals gathered at the Lancaster London hotel for the Event Production Awards, where 20 companies and individuals were recognised for their efforts and achievements in 2012.

Caroline Littler, sales and marketing manager for first time exhibitor Wow!Grass, winner of the Best Shell Scheme Stand award, said the firm had a great response across the two days.

“We were really impressed by both the number and quality of visitors,” she said. “The place was really buzzing. The keynote speakers were a big draw and this, combined with the learning opportunities in the seminars and the diversity of exhibitors, meant the formula was just right to get the best people through the door.”