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Eveline Cromheecke, events manager at Rampage, tells Access about an event that’s so fun the artists don’t want to leave…

What did you learn from the last edition from a production/organisation perspective and how will that impact the 2020 event?

It’s quite unbelievable to even start imagining the endless list of to-do’s we have for a production of this size. Every single time we do an event we aim to go all out & this perfection is in the details. This means we have to organise a huge amount of people around us, who all have to be on the same page about what we aim to bring forward. Being a central figure in such a big production within a relatively small ‘core team’ is astonishing as well as honouring. Though, what strikes me is the amazing people we can surround ourselves with to make this mini-social experiment result in a beautiful time for thousands of people.

Everyone is happy to push the brand, everyone is believing in the brand which is rhetorically a vicious circle we need to push forward. The only way to answer this question properly is to invite you to Rampage and experience this for yourself. Help us bring this extraordinary experience of life for you. That is what makes Rampage what it is today.

How do you go about choosing your production elements?

The moment an artist or client arrives at Rampage they enter a new world. I mean like I said before, we at Rampage we always go all out. Besides the experience we give the acts, playing in front of a full arena, the hospitality, technical and other riders are always met. On top of that our acts get their own Rampage gear. This gear comes in the form of shirts, hoodies, jackets, baseball shirts, lollypops, … You name it, all to make it unforgettable.

Which suppliers will you use for the event and how do you choose suppliers?

Rampage has a unique position in the industry. Being the biggest indoor drum & bass and dubstep party in the universe, it brings a certain responsibility to give the right example. Therefore, we will always look for those who can represent our brand best the way we feel possible. Rampage is very lucky to be able to work with such professionals and is looking forward to building on the relationships in the future.

What are the biggest challenges you face?

This is a tricky one. In regard to the evening of the event, one of my tasks is managing the backstage aspect of the event. There is one thing that stands out in particular though. Every single year this occurs. Ok, we have pretty strict logistical schedules to sort out the drives from and towards the hotel for the artists. Every single year every artist confirms they want to go home after their set at this or that time. Now, because they are enjoying the evening so much they change their driving time to the latest option possible. The challenge here is to get all artists back to the right hotel at the same time. Believe me it’s a real handful!