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A guerrilla marketing stunt in the heart of Westminster is making national headlines and raising awareness about the Palestinian plight in Gaza. 

Executed by the Palestinian Solidarity Campaign, the stunt featured a projection of the Palestinian flag onto the Houses of Parliament with the words “Free Palestine! – Sanctions now – Stop the massacre” burning bright across the seat of UK government. 

Bluman Associates, the projection mapping and video content specialists, delivered the projection – a job that required intensive planning to get the most impact. 

“We had just one week’s notice from the PSC about the campaign and what they wanted to achieve, so it required a very quick turnaround,” said Bluman owner Pod Bluman. 

“We knew we had just a few minutes for the photographer to get the image they required,” he continued, “so in order to make the timeframe we projected from a vehicle and had everything set up ready to go when we arrived on site, with the generator already running.”

Bluman Associates won the job because of the company’s strong ties within non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and the political community.

The Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC), which according to their mission statement campaigns for peace and justice for Palestinians, executed the stunt in the early hours of Friday 1 August. 

“The PSC knew we had the prior experience and knowledge to accurately plan the projection and carry it out quickly so that it could maintain the surprise nature needed to capture attention on social media,” Bluman said.


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A guerrilla marketing stunt in the heart of Westminster is making national headlines and raising awareness about the Palestinian plight in Gaza. 

Executed by the Palestinian Solidarity Campaign, the stunt featured a projection of the Palestinian flag onto the Houses of Parliament with the words “Free Palestine! – Sanctions now – Stop the massacre” burning bright across the seat of UK government. 

Bluman Associates, the projection mapping and video content specialists, delivered the projection – a job that required intensive planning to get the most impact. 

“We had just one week’s notice from the PSC about the campaign and what they wanted to achieve, so it required a very quick turnaround,” said Bluman owner Pod Bluman. 

“We knew we had just a few minutes for the photographer to get the image they required,” he continued, “so in order to make the timeframe we projected from a vehicle and had everything set up ready to go when we arrived on site, with the generator already running.”

Bluman Associates won the job because of the company’s strong ties within non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and the political community.

The Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC), which according to their mission statement campaigns for peace and justice for Palestinians, executed the stunt in the early hours of Friday 1 August. 

“The PSC knew we had the prior experience and knowledge to accurately plan the projection and carry it out quickly so that it could maintain the surprise nature needed to capture attention on social media,” Bluman said.


Got news for Access All Areas? Email or tweet Emma Hudson
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