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This summer an inflatable pop-up venue in the shape of a bowler hat will sit in Paternoster Square, next to St Paul’s Cathedral, London, as part of the programme of events that comprise the City of London Festival. 

The Bowler Hat, which will take its position on 23 June-17 July, will play host to over 100 events including children’s theatre, cabaret, comedy and circus.

Standing at over 10m tall, the bespoke Bowler Hat will have a 212-seat structure allowing audiences to enjoy renowned performers within an intimate setting.

The venue will showcase world-class puppeteers Little Angel Theatre during the day, commuter-hour debates on city-related issues including justice, money and power, and evening shows featuring stand-up satirists Richard Herring and Andy Zaltzman, and acrobatic circus artists Pirates of the Carabina.

“I am delighted to see one of the City’s historic, and most iconic, symbols – the bowler hat – revived for the City of London Festival. We have no doubt that new audiences will be bowled over by the Bowler Hat venue, which is bringing a smile to us all,” said Lord Mayor of London, Fiona Woolf.

Paul Gudgin, director of the City of London Festival, added: “The City of London is an exceptional place for a festival – full of extraordinary spaces, buildings and people. By taking a city icon and transforming it in this way we believe the Bowler Hat will prove to be a striking, popular and fun addition to London’s cultural scene this summer”.

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Posted on: 27/3/14 

This summer an inflatable pop-up venue in the shape of a bowler hat will sit in Paternoster Square, next to St Paul’s Cathedral, London, as part of the programme of events that comprise the City of London Festival. 

The Bowler Hat, which will take its position on 23 June-17 July, will play host to over 100 events including children’s theatre, cabaret, comedy and circus.

Standing at over 10m tall, the bespoke Bowler Hat will have a 212-seat structure allowing audiences to enjoy renowned performers within an intimate setting.

The venue will showcase world-class puppeteers Little Angel Theatre during the day, commuter-hour debates on city-related issues including justice, money and power, and evening shows featuring stand-up satirists Richard Herring and Andy Zaltzman, and acrobatic circus artists Pirates of the Carabina.

“I am delighted to see one of the City’s historic, and most iconic, symbols – the bowler hat – revived for the City of London Festival. We have no doubt that new audiences will be bowled over by the Bowler Hat venue, which is bringing a smile to us all,” said Lord Mayor of London, Fiona Woolf.

Paul Gudgin, director of the City of London Festival, added: “The City of London is an exceptional place for a festival – full of extraordinary spaces, buildings and people. By taking a city icon and transforming it in this way we believe the Bowler Hat will prove to be a striking, popular and fun addition to London’s cultural scene this summer”.

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Posted on: 27/3/14