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Crewing specialist Pitman’s People celebrates 10 years in the event industry with a ‘night to remember’ at the Oval Warehouse, Shoreditch this evening.

Launched in 2001 by managing director Oliver Pitman, the company has more than 600 experienced staff and technical crew on its books.

In 2012, Pitman’s has supplied 121,750 staffing hours to a broad portfolio of events, including Oktoberfest, Digital London, Silverstone, Farnborough International Air show and the London Games.

“Having had one of the best years to date, we will be
marking the anniversary with our own stylish event
for the people who have helped us get where we are
today,” Pitman said.

Highlights from the evening will be online HERE.

Crewing specialist Pitman’s People celebrates 10 years in the event industry with a ‘night to remember’ at the Oval Warehouse, Shoreditch this evening.

Launched in 2001 by managing director Oliver Pitman, the company has more than 600 experienced staff and technical crew on its books.

In 2012, Pitman’s has supplied 121,750 staffing hours to a broad portfolio of events, including Oktoberfest, Digital London, Silverstone, Farnborough International Air show and the London Games.

“Having had one of the best years to date, we will be
marking the anniversary with our own stylish event
for the people who have helped us get where we are
today,” Pitman said.

Highlights from the evening will be online HERE.