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International circus gang Pirates of the Carabina brings its hit show Flown to London this summer, from 2 to 22 June, as a highlight of the Udderbelly Festival.  

Flown is performed by an international company of nine aerialists, stuntmen, dancers and musicians aged from 19 to 67. Between them, their performance credits include De La Guarda, Footsbarn Theatre and NoFit State Circus. Flown was originally commissioned by Glastonbury Festival where it played to capacity crowds in the Circus Big Top in 2011.

Udderbelly Festival is part of Southbank Centre’s Festival of Neighbourhood with MasterCard which runs from 4 May to 8 September this summer.

The festival will celebrate ‘neighbourhood’ and explore what it is to have and be a neighbour. Communities who live close by and partners from across the UK and abroad will participate, from Elephant and Castle in South London to Pelhourino in Salvador, Brazil, with a diverse programme of events including poetry, discussion, visual arts, performance and art installations across the Southbank Centre’s site.

International circus gang Pirates of the Carabina brings its hit show Flown to London this summer, from 2 to 22 June, as a highlight of the Udderbelly Festival.  

Flown is performed by an international company of nine aerialists, stuntmen, dancers and musicians aged from 19 to 67. Between them, their performance credits include De La Guarda, Footsbarn Theatre and NoFit State Circus. Flown was originally commissioned by Glastonbury Festival where it played to capacity crowds in the Circus Big Top in 2011.

Udderbelly Festival is part of Southbank Centre’s Festival of Neighbourhood with MasterCard which runs from 4 May to 8 September this summer.

The festival will celebrate ‘neighbourhood’ and explore what it is to have and be a neighbour. Communities who live close by and partners from across the UK and abroad will participate, from Elephant and Castle in South London to Pelhourino in Salvador, Brazil, with a diverse programme of events including poetry, discussion, visual arts, performance and art installations across the Southbank Centre’s site.