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The hospitality centre for African nations competing in the Olympics has had to close because of unpaid debts.

Africa Village, in Kensington Gardens, owes suppliers hundreds of thousands of pounds, a spokesman told the BBC, and a meeting is to be held to establish whether the venue can open for its Tunisia Day.

Located opposite the Royal Albert Hall, it has an exhibition area and restaurant open to the public and a reception area for Games officials, athletes and sponsors. It is the first time that the 53 African national Olympic Committees have come together to host a dedicated house at the Games, and 80,000 people have visited the venue since it opened at the end of July.

The hospitality centre for African nations competing in the Olympics has had to close because of unpaid debts.

Africa Village, in Kensington Gardens, owes suppliers hundreds of thousands of pounds, a spokesman told the BBC, and a meeting is to be held to establish whether the venue can open for its Tunisia Day.

Located opposite the Royal Albert Hall, it has an exhibition area and restaurant open to the public and a reception area for Games officials, athletes and sponsors. It is the first time that the 53 African national Olympic Committees have come together to host a dedicated house at the Games, and 80,000 people have visited the venue since it opened at the end of July.